
“For it is in giving that we receive.”

Francis of Assisi

Our Story

RAS is the inspiration of Sara Eastwood-Richardson who has spent 25 years of her life working with both charities and business trade associations.  

As a mom of three busy boys, Sara spent thousands of hours volunteering on school boards, sports programs and fundraisers.  At a very early age, Sara exposed her children to community service by hosting families in need during holiday time through the United Way.  And, every Wednesday night without fail she and her kids Ryan, Alec and Spencer (hence the name RAS) served 400 meals to the homeless at the Rescue Mission.


Sara eastwood-richardson

Founder & PresidenT

In her business journey, Sara has sold and managed over $100,000,000 in "new" event sponsorship sales while working as a media publisher, trade show organizer and special event director. Sara also managed a national non-profit business association for 19 years. She has hosted fundraising events for charities including Make-A-Wish, Angel Flight, MADD, and St. Jude to name a few.  Sara has launched certification programs such as SafeCleanRide, she has created networking organizations to include the Sustainable Travel & Transportation Network and has a portfolio of over a dozen non-profit clients under full management.



julie Hennessey


Julie has enjoyed a professional Sales and Marketing career for 20+ years with amazing companies including Conde Naste Media, Prime Media and Miramar Communications. She has been a devoted philanthropist, a member of Rady Children’s Hospital Auxiliary, Kids Corp and National Charity League. Her core competency is her ability to design and execute custom business and marketing strategies. Her passion is building relationships and connecting others. For Julie, joining forces with Sara and RAS International is a long awaited dream come true.   



ryan mcLEan

Operations & accounting services

Ryan McLean graduated with a degree in Business/Marketing from the University of Washington in June 2019 and has taken the leading role as COO at RAS. Ryan oversees client accounting services, HR and office management.



Joan Dyer & Kim runner

cultivation Companies

Joan & Kim, founders of Cultivation Companies, are strategic partners of RAS International. With a combined 30+ years of event expertise, they support our business development and marketing. Joan and Kim handling all digital marketing aspects of RAS and its client.